So after rolling over and going back to sleep on Monday when I remembered that I didn't have to go to work, I wound up thinking about the gaiter project, which has been on the back burner for a while. When I eventually got up for real, I dug up the duct-tape tubes that I'd made, and found that they do indeed fold flat - so I cut one of them into parts as a template for a pattern, and then traced out a pattern on some leftover canvas. The plan is to rivet the leather together, so as to avoid stitching - and then buckles on the outside. 1" wide straps should work, with 1/2" spacing, Next, I'll have to cut out the pattern and then probably cut out a second copy, and staple/stitch the canvas to see if I've left proper allowances...
Then I can go buy some leather, buckles, and plating at Tandy next weekend.
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