Friday, May 20, 2011

Reorg Boots Already

So after posting an introduction, I started 4 more blog posts on various topics, trying to figure out just what it was that I wanted to say in this space. For now (and for some time to come, I imagine), I'll be largely talking to myself, so making some attempt to craft deathless prose for the ages seems a little presumptuous. I'm drawing inspiration from a number of sources (starting with the other blogs listed off to the right), but I don't want to be simply a pallid imitator of other people's work. I've got notes on various topics stashed in the cloud, so I don't need to take notes for myself here. Basically, then, what I'm looking at this space for is a journal of my explorations, ideas, and so forth as I look into this thing called Steampunk. The ideas may not be original; the research may be based on other people's reading lists. The projects may be cribbed from Make and Instructables - but they'll be mine, and I'm curious to see what comes up as a result.

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